Free Form Programming

Hazmat female Character on texture mapped highly curved one-sided surfaces with trees and other Tubular Knotted surfaces.

CCN Studios’ mission and vision is to level the playing field for all people, everywhere, using their mobile phones to access advanced skills training.

And we learned that, while the adults live in remarkably different communities, young people live in a single space – namely their mobile phones. So CCN Studios set out to Democratize Education on all mobile phones for every person, everywhere.  If you want to learn, we want to reach you.

We gathered our expertise, energy, resources and commitment to build an Educationalized Gaming platform for anyone anywhere in any economic circumstance.  Welcome to a world where you can Play hard & Learn Lots!

No Installations Required!

The following simple Text Editor interface to the Free Form Programming Language is all you need!

Programmers could easily use the above Editor and program their FF programs, link the programs together to build larger and better games! No local files created on the mobile phone. And no hidden installations of any kind.

Artificial Construct RPG

You need to install the FREE ConstructRPG binary which contains code-only Unity project whereupon your games are Synthesized. This binary does not change nor increase in size.

Android (Weekly Builds)


TestFlight registration required, please contact daraATcompclassnotesDOTCOM to receive Apple Store instructions. (Weekly Builds)

Latest Unity Cinemachine, New Input System, Addressables+CCD, 3rd Person Character Controller and AI Navigation and Unity Editor 2022.2 .

Latest version of Wolfram Programming Language 13.1 and Wolfram Cloud/Application Server.


Artificial Construct Cars (Sept 2022)

Mobile Car Controller cloud interface in Free Form Programming Language with Enemy AI car predators and more!

Artificial Construct : Free Form Programming Language

Free Form Programming by Examples

Educationalized Games

We all know what Educational games are and most children will not play them! Educationalized Games are just any normal game with challenges loved by all kids and CCN Studios’ advanced cloud computing extracts educational content from the very operations of an ordinary game and turn them into modules suitable classroom use.

In-game live Telemetry Streams data from the game into a third party AI Module to uncover the physical laws of the game and teach the students first hand how the Physics engine in the game simulates the real world.

Actual Classroom mobile use in Olympic College by Prof. Kelso

There is no reason why students and teachers cannot use Free Form programming as aid for their classrooms!

Educational Module Search live in-game
Unlimited in-game cloud access to Searchable Educational Modules and Videos while the local disk unused and binary size of the game remains minimal.

Sample FF Creations by Players!

Anime RPG full-combat game created by sophomore year Adam Lawal of Nigeria.
And more from Adam, wonderful high jumps and attacks, just like animes and movies.
Anime RPG game created by undergrad Ulukunle Afolabi of Nigeria.
More from Afolabi, beautiful perforated Torus which is also rotated around one axis.
Ahmad Hussaini’s (Nigeria) RPG game composed helical high curvature Walkable Regions

Game Generated Educational Modules

From one of the games above, the Free Form Cloud computes eduncational modules suitable for better learning of a specific game structure. Never stale educational content!